Who Is Your Time Keeper?

Remember the time keepers at school? The only ones authorized to carry and ring the bell. The ones letting  us know when class begins,ends, notified us when it was time to take a break, knock off etc. They followed the class time table as well as the school's time table.  If your time was running slower or faster than the time keeper's,you were the one who had to adjust because a  keeper's clock was never wrong. Wikepedia defines a Time Keeper as someone who measures time with assistance of a  clock or stopwatch,she/he records time,time taken or time remaining.  If you have ever been in a class like me, or have been involved in a race/competition you must perfectly remember the time keeper.

 Like many others, i have made a mistake before,.i once  trusted society to be my time keeper.I often felt as if i was running out of time like a student who has realised is late for class right after the bell  rings. I wasn't   getting a job fast enough, meeting "the one" fast enough. I even tried  positioning myself more than once so that   maybe i would fulfill my dreams and wishes fast enough. I could wake up and all i could think of were all the things i haven't done,.places i haven't yet visited, people i havent met before i hit 330.Thinking about it always left me feeling very depressed and unworthy.

It was as if i couldn't have a career ,fall in love and travel after 30. My vision had been very  shortsitghted that i didnt bother visualizing my  life after 30.I ceased to live after 30 before even reached 30. If i carried on like that, i am sure i wouldn't know how to live after 30.

Then i decided to push the thoughts away and replaced them with those of hope for the present and the  future. I realized i should  be glad about getting older,.not only because it is a previledge  which has been denied to many but  because that's the beauty of life,.growth.

So i decided to be my own time keeper. I am still learning and getting used to being my own time keeper operating under my own timelines not anyone else's,not  society's. I might be not where i want to be, meet half of my goals but i always remember with each step i take, there is progress.

 It's okey to have timelines but are  they really yours? 
Photo cred:123RF.com


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