A lot of  us have been affected by road accidents which have claimed the  lives  of our relatives, close friends, friends of our friends and other people   we have never heard of ,sadly ,the number increases by the day. I was very shocked when I read a report commissioned by the Malawi’s National Road Safety Council which says out of 18000 registered vehicles in Malawi at least 1200 of them get involved in road accidents which are mainly caused by over speeding, overloading and drunken or unlicensed drivers, of course the number may seem less but come to think of those who have lost their lives or get physically hurt. There are a lot of roadblocks along a lot of roads here in Malawi to help control traffic but, each time I went through roadblock I always got disappointed at how different cases were being handled.

 My thoughts reel back to one of the days I was traveling from town to school, I don’t like traveling but how can it be avoided? As usual I boarded a minibus at the depot and had to spend hours waiting for the bus to be full since it was a Wednesday. It was one of those journeys i vehemently couldn’t wait to be over, we were loaded beyond the capacity yet the driver could still stop along the way to pick up more passengers. There is a road block along the way and for the first time in my life I wished the vehicle was charged for overloading unfortunately or should I say fortunately the driver had to just get out and produce a few kwachas to the officers and off we went, it had me puzzled what were these traffic officers doing apart from correct money from overloaded vehicles or those not fit to be in the road? I mean these people do things which don’t suit their credentials, collect money from people who are endangering our lives? Come on! Life is far too precious to be bought with just few kwachas; possibly they do this because of the meagre salaries these people miserably get so should we sympathize with them? Definitely no!! The ends of an action do not justify the means here what is wrong can never be right even if the reasons for the wrong doing were right.
 Road Accidents claim a lot of lives and leave people suffering from the losses, honestly, some of these accidents are avoidable, talk of drunken drivers, over speeding and unlicensed drivers, these people confidently pass through roadblocks and somewhere along the way an accident happens and you hear from the report that the vehicle was loaded beyond capacity and it was over speeding and then you think to yourself but there is a roadblock just after the accidents spot.

Let us be serious for once as a nation, as parents and as human beings, we are talking about lives at stake here, we all know money cannot buy life then why are these officers deliberately putting our lives in grave danger. These are the people who are supposed to protect us from selfish vehicle owners and drivers who want to make a lot of quick easy money by overloading and over speeding .But what strikes me is that almost everyone in the country is aware that everywhere we go we are loaded beyond capacity but no action is really taken to curb this behavior. We are overloaded in vehicles each time we are traveling whether we go through the roadblocks or not.

As a country to curb this problem once and for all we have to really know the root cause of the problem, is it really the meagre salaries, a lot of licensing money or driving lessons or sheer greedy human nature. Let us all be responsible the vehicle owners, passengers (who readily allow to be overloaded), the traffic officers and everyone else.


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